National research university "MPEI"
The leading university in Russia in the field of energy, electrical engineering, radio engineering, electronics, and information technology. MPEI comprises 12 institutes, 65 departments, 176 research laboratories, MPEI Design Bureau, and an experimental plant, a unique CHP plant, its own educational solar power station, the largest scientific and technical library in the country, the "Energiya" stadium, a swimming pool, and a cultural palace.
The academic staff includes 7 academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 262 Doctors of Science, and 715 Candidates of Science.

Performance indicators

Orders successfully processed within a year
Companies as clients

Field of activity

Scientific researches
Development of the concept
Production solutions integration support
Technological audit
Reproducing an object precisely from an existing model
3D/CAD modeling
Engineering design
Structural design
Preparation of project design documentation
3D prototyping
Computer engineering
3D printing
Industrial design
Functional coverage

Expertise domain

Engineering and materials
Physics and astronomy


Гидроэнергетика России