The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology is the leading technical university in the country, ranked in prestigious lists of the best universities in the world.
Research is conducted at the university in fundamental and applied physics, mathematics, computer science, chemistry, biology, computer technologies, and other natural and exact sciences. Today, Phystech is a leading scientific center. Over the recent years, 64 new laboratories have been established where renowned scientists work.

Performance indicators

Orders successfully processed within a year
Companies as clients

Field of activity

Scientific researches
Development of the concept
Production solutions integration support
Technological audit
Reproducing an object precisely from an existing model
3D/CAD modeling
Engineering design
Structural design
Preparation of project design documentation
3D prototyping
Computer engineering
3D printing
Industrial design
Functional coverage
Software development
Big data
Interpretation of results

Expertise domain

Biology and genetics
Engineering and materials
Neurobiology and psychology
Physics and astronomy


Банк ВТБ
ПАО "Аэрофлот"
МКПАО "Яндекс"