Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Bauman Moscow State Technical University has a wide range of competencies in the field of research and development in both civil and specialized equipment. In 2023 alone, the turnover of the University's R&D sector exceeded 5 billion rubles.
The university is involved in the development of UAVs, small satellites, radio-electronic complexes, wheeled vehicles, special equipment, manufacturing technologies, and more. Research areas include photonics, micro/nano systems, ion-plasma technologies, cryology, soft matter, and fluid physics. Bauman University combines top-notch engineering education in mechanical engineering and instrumentation with the competencies of an advanced R&D center.

Performance indicators

Orders successfully processed within a year
Companies as clients

Field of activity

Scientific researches
Development of the concept
Production solutions integration support
Technological audit
Reproducing an object precisely from an existing model
3D / CAD моделирование
3D/CAD modeling
Structural design
Preparation of project design documentation
3D prototyping
Computer engineering
3D printing
Industrial design
Functional coverage
Software development
Big data
Interpretation of results

Expertise domain

Biology and genetics
Engineering and materials
Neurobiology and psychology
Medicine and pharmaceuticals
Physics and astronomy


КБ "Луч"